Learning Services for Non-Formal Education & Training Certification

ISO 29990:2010 Learning Services for Non-Formal Education & Training -Basic Requirements for Service Providers

ISO 29990 sets out the criteria for a Quality Management System standard for providers of education and training services. ISO 29990 provides a unified standard for learning service providers, including corporations, vocational institutions, and life-long learning centres, around the globe. It promotes the design of suitable services & evaluation of learning results.

The aim of ISO 29990 is to provide a generic model for quality professional practice and performance for learning service providers (LSPs) in the development and delivery of education, training.

The standard follows a process-based structure to ensure its implementation leads to continual improvement. The standard’s ultimate aim is assuring the implementation of high-quality tutorial programmes and processes.

Requirements of Standard

This standard has clauses as follows:-

  1. Scope
  2. Terms & Definitions
  3. Learning Services
    • Determining Learning Needs
    • Design of Learning Services
    • Provision of Learning Services
    • Monitoring the delivery of the Learning Services
  4. Management of the Learning Service Provider
    • General Management Requirements
    • Strategy & Business Management
    • Management Review
    • Preventive Actions & Corrective Actions
    • Financial Management & Risk Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • Communication Management (External/Internal)
    • Allocation of Resources
    • Internal Audits
    • Feedback from Interested Parties


Benifites of ISO 29990:2010


Advantages for Learning Service Providers :-
    • Outstanding performance during tendering work from official bodies.
    • Globally marketability.
    • Enhancement in internal quality potential.
    • Transparently defined & documented processes.
    • Enthusiastic and active trained experts participation in the development.
    • Work on (PDCA) Cycle.


Advantages for Learner :-
    • Adequate resources, including trainers with suitable competence, infrastructure and learning environment.
    • Evaluating criteria for Education.
    • Advanced & Authentic processes.
    • Transparency/comparability of services.
    • Assuring quality, transparency and comparability in educational institutions.


Benefits for Global Cooperation

Base of development for international cooperation in the area of education and training

    • Globally comparable benchmarks for existence of quality.
    • No deformation of the globally competitive market.
    • Common unified standards/common understanding of quality.